patient-centered medical home


Data liberacion 2013: We are coming for your silos

My week-long adventure in D.C. started out with stories about personal health data at XX in Health on Sunday. I had the pleasure of spending the day with other women in healthcare, learning about their personal and professional challenges and getting ideas about how to overcome my own. The day was full of smart women […]

Health IT

Oregon picks 33 criteria to measure health as part of $2B healthcare reform experiment

The Obama Administration gave Oregon almost $2 billion to come up with its own system to coordinate care better. The idea is to get doctors, nurses, hospitals and other caregivers to work together -- and get paid well -- to keep people healthy and to get rid of wasteful, unnecessary care. The federal dollars will go to the providers who do a good job, so first the state had to figure out what constitutes good coordinated care.